Congratulations! It is such an exciting and wonderful time to be pregnant! We are thrilled that you have chosen us to care for you and your soon-to-be bundle of joy. There is nothing more precious than a newborn baby and preparing for that newborn should be just as enjoyable and rewarding. Life's greatest miracle is giving birth and we will do everything in our power to ensure that it will also be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.
It is recommended to start prenatal vitamins 3 months to one year before conceiving to have enough folic acid to prevent birth defects. Please start your prenatal vitamin as soon as you find out that you are pregnant. A good choice is Naturemade DHA which is over the counter. Try to take a Vitamin with at least 600 mcg of folic acid. In addition to prenatal vitamins, we recommend a calcium supplement such as Tums twice per day and an iron supplement if you are anemic.
We recommend a low carb high protein diet during your pregnancy. Try to get at least 80 grams of protein per day. Avoid any concentrated sweets and drink lots of water. Nutrition is important for your growing fetus and we will review further details during your appointment.
Although every pregnancy is different, the majority of our expectant Moms can look forward to having an appointment scheduled with us about once a month until reaching 28-30 weeks, followed by visits every 2 weeks until reaching 36 weeks, and then weekly visits until delivery. In some circumstances your appointments may be more frequent due to complications, high-risk situations, or simply to alleviate any lingering concerns you may have as a Mom to be. Most of your visits will be routine and consist of weighing you, checking your blood pressure, urine, measuring your uterus, listening to your baby's heart beat and asking you questions about how the pregnancy is progressing. Please refer to the obstetrical calendar for specific tests that will be done at each visit.
Obstetrical Calendar
First Visit (6-8 weeks):
Assign due date by a transvaginal ultrasound
Discuss prenatal vitamins and omega 3 fatty acid (fish oil)
Order Labs: CBC, Rh type, Syphilis, Hepatitis, HIV, Rubella titers.
Pap smear, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia culture if needed.
Get History
If nauseous: take vitamin B6 50mg every 8 hours, dramamine at night and ginger pills.
About 12 weeks (or second visit):
Discuss prenatal laboratory testing
Check weight, BP, and urine
Listen for fetal heart tones
Possible Genetic testing if at risk
About 15-18 weeks:
Listen for fetal heart tones and check uterine size
Order Quad Screen test
Check weight, BP, and urine
About 18-20 weeks:
Targeted obstetric ultrasound
Listen for fetal heart tones and check uterine size
Check weight, BP, and urine
About 24-28 weeks:
Listen for fetal heart tones and check uterine size
Check weight, BP, and urine
Order one-hour glucose test to test for Gestational Diabetes (fasting is not necessary, and your blood will be drawn one hour after drinking the glucose)
Test blood count for anemia
Sign up for prenatal birthing classes if desired
Choose pediatrician.
Pre-register at Hospital and do tour
About 28 weeks:
Listen for fetal heart tones and check uterine size
Check weight, BP, and urine
Discuss glucose test results
Review kick counts
A Rhogam shot is given to patients who have Rh-negative blood type
About 30 weeks:
Listen for fetal heart tones and check uterine size
Check weight, BP, and urine
About 32-34 weeks:
Listen for fetal heart tones and check uterine size
Check weight, BP, and urine
Check for the baby's position
About 35-37 weeks:
Listen for fetal heart tones and check uterine size
Check weight, BP, and urine
Discuss Labor and Delivery
Cervical exam may be done
GBS culture done
About 38 weeks:
Listen for fetal heart tones and check uterine size
Check weight, BP, and urine
A cervical examination may be done
About 40 weeks:
Listen for fetal heart tones and check uterine size
Check weight, BP, and urine
Non Stress test
Cervical examination
Discuss management plan for delivery on an individual basis